Sustainability Enhancements:

​​Resource Conservation:

Truck fuel, road wear, soil re-use, and project funds

Community Service:
Eliminates the need for 8,000 truck trips to transport contaminated soil through a high-density residential area

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction: 
​Elimination of truck traffic prevents roughly 3 million pounds of CO2 being released to the atmosphere

The BGR Treatment Process

Aerial Image

​​​Los Angeles County
Bulk Fuel Terminal

BGR's bioremediation technology was successfully implemented at a former bulk fuel terminal in an urban region of Los Angeles County, Calif. This project involved  remediation of nearly 100,000 tons of hydrocarbon-contaminated soil. Theoriginal plan was to excavate an​d dispose the soil at a landfill. By using the BGR green soil remediation technology, the remediation team is able to clean the soil on-site, and reuse (backfill) the soil. This prevented thousands of trucks from driving through the local community (a residential, working class community) and significantly reduced greenhouse gas emissions.  

A portion of this cleanup property will be converted to a park for the local community.

This animated flyover shows the demolition and remediation of a former bulk fuel storage terminal located in central Los Angeles County. The contaminated soil was treated to meet regulatory standards using BGR's sustainable, on-site green remediation process that prevented truck traffic through the neighborhood. The site will be converted to mixed-use retail and a community park.

Bulldog Green Remediation, Inc. (BGR) is a California corporation and federally qualified Small Business; Contractor's License No.: 1021126  

​​​​The video link at right shows the BGR process in action. Our proprietary, patent-pending ​BGR technology on this site was used to successfully treat approximately 100,000 tons of contaminated soil for reuse on-site.

Extent of Site Excavation

The Treatment Bio-piles